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The Companion Animal Protection and Safety Program (CAPS)

In May, Paws for Compassion launched this new project with a trial phase in Hoi An: 100 free microchips are provided to pet owners. The microchip number with the owner’s information will be entered into our Pet Database, accessible to selected pet stores and vet clinics to keep personal information safe.
We hope this project gains traction so that we can work with the authorities to do more for our lost and stolen pets in Central Vietnam.

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Ripped from their family: The Victims of The Dog Meat Trade

Beloved pets are still being stolen everyday into the cruel Cat and Dog Meat Trade. Last month, we were all devastated to learn of Jon’s disappearance, stolen from right outside his family’s home.
Jon is unfortunately not the only Paws dog to go missing after being adopted.
PLEASE never leave your pet unattended, even in your yard! It only takes 1 second to steal your pet – it is NOT worth the risk.

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The Cat House Is Moving : Our Rescues Need Your Help!

We needed a bigger place to accommodate our ever-growing population of feline friends, and dreamed of a beautiful outside space for them.

After months of searching for a new home for our kitties, our team is excited to announce that we found an ideal place…but it needs A LOT of work

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Unchain A Dog Month : Friends Don’t Chain Friends

January is Unchain A Dog Month. This campaign was created in order to spread awareness about the damaging effects that chaining has on dogs. Dogs are naturally social beings who need interaction with humans and/or other animals. Being restrained for long periods of time can severely damage their physical and psychological well-being.

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The Pagoda PAWS Project​: The new big and exciting PAWS project​

Linh Ung Pagoda on Son Tra Peninsula in Da Nang is home to the world’s largest statue of a female Buddha, but unfortunately, it is also a well-known dumping ground for unwanted dogs. In the shadow of the pagoda, these dogs have faced unimaginable hardships. Homelessness, malnutrition, and untreated health issues have left them vulnerable, struggling for survival. The compassionate monks at the pagoda have done their utmost to provide a safe haven and basic care, but the needs of 60 dogs are overwhelming.

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Rabies in Vietnam: The importance of vaccinating pets and banning dog and cat meat trade

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), rabies still kills around 100 people in Vietnam each year. In the first 8 months of 2023, 61 deaths were recorded due to rabies, which represents an increase compared to 2022. It should be noted that the actual number is likely to be higher, as rabies is not always correctly diagnosed or reported. In up to 99% of cases, domestic dogs are responsible for rabies virus transmission to humans.

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Snowball Handicap Of The Month

Snowball was found dirty and alone on the streets, struggling to survive. She was crawling along the cold pavement with no shelter to hide in, no one to love her, and desperate for help. At the time, we did not realise that Snowball was also pregnant, and she later gave birth to a beautiful bundle of joy (who has now been adopted).

Snowball back legs are deformed, meaning she cannot jump and walks a little differently, however she has grown stronger since being in our care and loves to play and scoot around the kitten room. Now, we are happy to say, she is a happy and content kitty (and a little sassy too!).

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This is not part of Vietnam

Most Vietnamese people do not want to accept the dog and cat meat trade as part of Vietnam. Dogs and cats are stolen from their owners and abducted from the community. They are transported long distances, often for days, and then killed by brutal methods such as drowning and beatings. While harboring great cruelty to animals, the trade also poses a major threat to public health, most notably rabies, and at the same time creates an ideal environment for the export of animals. presence of other diseases.

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Thanksgiving 2021

Join us! Sponsor a rescue pet or organize your own fundraiser.
Two years of living with the pandemic has certainly made fundraising more challenging. It won’t stop us from saving the hurt, abandoned, neglected and handicapped pets in Central Vietnam. We’re reaching out to generous individuals and organizations to partner with us.

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Vote for PAWS!
Each year MyGivingCircle gives away grants to charities, non-profits and community groups based on votes.

Throughout the year they run different grants round where you can vote and support the charities you love and help them get a grant.

MyGivingCircle final grants round of the year has started! Give a charity you love a chance to share in $100,000 worth of grants.

On December 30, the #60 charities with the most votes share in $100,000 with pools of grants set aside for charities in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

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Urgent weatherproofing for 2021!

The rainy season is coming
Every year, Vietnam gets hit by strong winds, typhoons and large amounts of rainfall. We need to ensure that our accommodations can shield the dogs and cats, keeping them warm, safe and cozy during this time.

Funds are urgently needed to prepare our dog and cat shelters for the upcoming rainy season. We moved to new locations this year, and weatherproofing against strong winds and rain is now priority.

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Register your animal for free sterilization!

Paws for Compassion and Paws International Clinic Danang work together to sterilize pets and stray animals for free. This prevents unwanted litters that potentially get dumped. Follow our page to get the dates to register your animal for sterilization.

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The Dog House is moving! (Part 2)

Thanks to your help, we’ve moved! Thanks to your amazing and ongoing support we are in a bigger and better location.

Please continue to help us make a wonderful environment by donating:

Quarantine – $530 / 12.300.000vnd
Play Space – $150 / 3.500.000vnd
Sleeping Shelter – $340 / 7.800.000vnd
Handicap Area – $100 / 2.300.000vnd

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Our first mobile clinic of the year!

Paws on wheels!
Our sterilization team at Paws for Compassion and Paws International Clinic Da Nang are off to Hue this week with Nguyễn Đức Giang and the Bệnh viện thú y OKADA PET clinic in Hue. Together, our goal is to sterilize 100 dogs and cats over the course of 2 days.

Thank you to WUFAW – Women United For Animal Welfare and FOUR PAWS International for making it possible and free for locals! You too can help us double our surgery numbers by donating towards our sterilization projects.

Let’s end long-term suffering of dogs and cats in Vietnam!

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Sponsor Tigurr!

Tigurr was sadly diagnosed with wet form FIP, a terrible virus that is unfortunately fatal. There is one ray of hope: a promising, but very expensive, medication that costs around $40 per day. So far, with your donations, we have been able to buy medication for 20 days. The course takes a total of 84 days. We still have a long way to go, and without this Tigurr will not make it.

So instead of filling stockings with a pair of socks, why not fill our hearts with hope!

Sponsor Tigurr’s medication for just 1 day, and help bring him one step closer to recovery! Give the gift of life this Christmeows (using the reference “Tigurr” when donating).

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Christmas Wishlist Fundraiser

Would you please be our Santa this Christmas?
The Holiday season is here, and our rescues have been on their best behavior! Your donations will make Christmas extra special for them this year. Check out their Wishlist to see what specific items they need.

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World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day was an awesome success this year. We raised 16.3 million VND (about $700) and vaccinated more than 70 pets! Rabies is a scary, deadly disease that can spread to other animals and humans. Vaccinations are life-saving, and essential to protect our community. Thank you to everyone who came and supported us on the day.

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Pandas big adventure

Getting a handicapped dog halfway across the world in a global pandemic was — let’s just say it — damn near impossible. But, our volunteers would do anything for this sweet girl, Panda. We even named our dog house after her. She’s of our longest residing rescues and was with us for 1102 days. We’re over the moon to see her playing safely in her ultimate forever home in Connecticut, with furry siblings, loving humans and all.

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The fatal FIP virus

We have tried everything in our power to stop the spread of FIP in our shelter to no avail. Last week ,we said a heartbreaking goodbye to our sweet Paisley boy. This week, two more cats are presenting the same symptoms. Sometimes, it feels like too much to bear, and too much pain to go through, but we continue because the cats need us.

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Thanksgiving Fundraiser

Sponsor a rescue! This month we are celebrating Thanksgiving. We are especially thankful for the opportunity to continue to save lives and take care of the animals who are currently in our care. These numbers are increasing daily! Sponsor one of our rescues this month by choosing one of the adorable, deserving faces above.

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Dogs & cats are being stranded due to the floods. We need YOUR help.

Central Vietnam is going through a terrible crisis right now! People and pets are all been affected by intense storms and heavy, non-stop rainfall. The province of Quang Binh and many of the local villages have sustained awful damage and are completely underwater. Many local people, including pet owners, now have no place to live, no food to eat and are struggling to survive.

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A report on the cat meat trade in Vietnam

Together with our partner, 4PAWS International, we are trying to shed light on the cruel cat meat trade which often goes unnoticed, together with the equally cruel dog meat trade.

Today is the release a first of the investigative report exposing the theft, trafficking, and slaughter of more than one million cats every year in Vietnam! Every day in Vietnam, thousands of cats are stolen from the streets and even from people’s homes to supply the demand for cat meat.

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More super happy adoptees

We are so happy to give you an update on two of our favorite Paws adoptees. This month we have a dog AND a cat story for you!

Cuddly Cola was rescued from the dog meat trade, with severe mange mites. He is a cute little dancer and became our latest foster fail with his forever dad Jay. He had itchy sores and hair loss all over his body. Cola blossomed into a loving pup who loves cuddles and a dance! He was one of our latest foster fails, after his foster dad decided to keep him forever.

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Decreasing stray and unwanted animal populations

One of the biggest challenges we face here in Vietnam is unwanted animals. These unwanted cats and dogs are the most susceptible to horrific disease, abandonment and neglect. Stray animals here face mange, tick fever, starvation, terrible viruses such as FIV and parvo, and more. Even worse, if they are on the street they’ll probably be captured for meat. Animals that end up in the dog and cat meat trades are often kept in tiny cages for days without food, water, space, or love. They may even face torture there.

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Your pet is not a threat

Our education efforts have been challenging in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. We are so lucky in Vietnam and have still managed to run a couple of classes now that we have more freedom. Some interesting new concerns have come up in our community and with our youth around animals and coronavirus.

The children at our course left feeling better that their dogs were not at risk of spreading coronavirus, and we were able to let them know that their pets are not threats. They completed a cool task online, which gives us some bright ideas for the future of our education program! Watch this space.

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A new home for our panther gang

You may remember a litter of kittens, who were almost sold for black cat medicine as tiny babes. Wakanda instantly loved them, and they formed a beautiful panther gang at our cat shelter; claiming territory and chasing away newcomers for months to come!

All of these fur babes stole our hearts, none more than precious Wakanda, who has been a volunteer favorite since day 1.

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We’re loving the new gear at our International Clinic!

A shoutout to all of our donors and sponsors who put a big smile on our faces this month. Thanks to you and with the support of Wufaw and 4 Paws, we have already got so much incredible new gear for our vet clinic! You can see just how stoked Dr. Nevena is to see it all! Wow. And, don’t forget pup Doctor Asia! We managed to get to help give international grade vet care to pets from all over the Da Nang area. We’ve had an incredible response to our new international vet clinic in its first month of operation.

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The Dog House is moving!

We are moving and we need your help! Thanks to your amazing and ongoing support we have outgrown our old space and are moving to a bigger, more spacious home for our rescue dogs.

Help us make the best environment by donating towards the construction needed to create a safe space for all:

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