You can be Mouse's HERO!
Please Help me.

More About Me

Date of birth: Unknown

Gender: Female

Colour: Brown and White

Personality: Very Friendly

$25 a month

Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Paws for Compassion’s efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Vietnam. Your gift of sponsorship is used to help your sponsored dog or cat and all the other animals Paws for Compassion cares for to provide shelter, food & medicine and veterinary care.

Hi, This Is My Life Story

Hi everyone, I’m Mouse, a survivor of the dog meat trade from Dong Hoi. I escaped with my mouth taped shut and spent days hiding, without food or water, before some kind people found me. The tape caused a deep wound, leaving me with permanent disfigurement.

I was severely emaciated and weak, but the amazing people who found me gave me the care I desperately needed to begin my recovery. Because proper veterinary care was limited in Dong Hoi, my dedicated foster mom reached out to Paws for Compassion for help.


Hi everyone, I’m Mouse, a survivor of the dog meat trade from Dong Hoi. I escaped with my mouth taped shut and spent days hiding, without food or water, before some kind people found me. The tape caused a deep wound, leaving me with permanent disfigurement.

I was severely emaciated and weak, but the amazing people who found me gave me the care I desperately needed to begin my recovery. Because proper veterinary care was limited in Dong Hoi, my dedicated foster mom reached out to Paws for Compassion for help.


After a five-hour journey from my Dong Hoi foster family to join Paws for Compassion, I was taken to the clinic where they discovered I had tick fever. But that’s all behind me now—I’m a healthy and happy girl!

It’s amazing to think that despite everything I’ve been through, I’m still so friendly and trusting towards everyone I meet. I adore both humans and dogs, and I’m always excited to share my love and joy with those around me.

I’m so grateful to be in my foster home, where I have a wonderful friend named Tammy to play with and keep me company. But what I really dream of is finding a forever family who will love and care for me just as much as my foster family does.

In the meantime, I would feel so happy if you choose to be my sponsor today as it means another hooman loves me and wants to look after me. I would feel so special.