Dog and Cat Meat Trade
Help us keep animals safe in Central Vietnam.

In 2024, the cruel cat and dog meat trade continues to plague Vietnam, with more than six million dogs and cats being brutally slaughtered in Vietnam every year. To supply the trade, dogs and cats are stolen from their owners and abducted from the community. They are transported long distances, often for days, and then killed by brutal methods such as drowning and beatings. While harboring great cruelty to animals, the trade also poses a major threat to public health, most notably rabies. Studies indicate a serious potential for rabies transmission to humans through dog slaughtering activities in Vietnam, highlighting the urgent need for action to protect both animals and public health.

Pet owners, it only takes 30 seconds to lose your furry friend to the horrific meat trade – Please protect your pets

Take Action Against the Cat and Dog Meat Trade

This is not Vietnam

A survey conducted by FOUR PAWS in early 2021 showed that a majority of Vietnamese citizens are against the dog and cat meat trade with 91% of the respondents agreeing that the trade should be banned or discouraged. Contrary to misconceptions, a resounding 95% of respondents agreed that consuming dog and cat meat does not reflect Vietnamese cultural values

Our Mission: Education and Advocacy

At Paws for Compassion, we are dedicated to educating our community, especially children, about responsible pet ownership and the importance of keeping animals safe from theft, harm, and neglect. Through education, we aim to empower individuals to advocate for the protection and welfare of animals in their communities.

Tilly and Mouse’s Stories: A Harrowing Tale of Resilience

Mouse was discovered bound, tied, and with her mouth taped shut, a tragic victim of the dog meat trade. She was found severely emaciated and dehydrated, on the side of the road, either left there by dog catchers or fallen out of the cage. We don’t know how long she had to survive without food or water. Despite the unimaginable suffering she endured and her permanent disfigurement, Mouse’s spirit remains unbroken. Rescued by a shelter in Dong Hoi and now under our care, Mouse has amazed us with her affectionate and loving nature. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the cruelty inflicted upon innocent animals.

Sadly, Mouse’s story is not uncommon. In 2022, Tilly was another fortunate survivor of the dog meat trade. She was brutally beaten by a dog catcher. Cowering, whimpering, and covered in blood due to a violently broken and dislocated jaw, Tilly was saved by the intervention of caring passer-by. Once under our care, she faced a long road to recovery.

By 2023, Tilly found solace in foster care with Nau, another timid dog. With the dedicated support of an experienced foster family, both Tilly and Nau have made remarkable progress.

After a few months with her foster family, Mouse has found her forever home with them—they couldn’t resist adopting her! Meanwhile, Tilly is still on the lookout for her forever family.

How YOU can help

Here are some way you can help end the suffering of dogs and cats in the meat trade:

        • Do not consume dog or cat meat and don’t eat at restaurants that have it on the menu. Encourage your friends and family to do the same and educate them about the brutality and risks of this trade.
        • Share your opinion on social media, sign and share petitions.Sign petition
        • Have you lost a pet to the brutal cat and dog meat trade? Report your loss using the Four Paws’s Reporting Tool

Support Paws for Compassion and other organizations fighting for animal welfare in Vietnam. Together we ALL can create a safer place for animals by putting pressure on authorities to clamp down and enforce the legislation targeting the illegal cat and dog meat trade, spreading awareness, and education for all.

Information for Pet Owners

How to keep your pet safe

Has your pet gone missing?

If your pet is missing, here are some steps you can take:

          • Post information about your dog on Facebook groups
          • Make posters, and ask around your neighborhood
          • Contact us to share your pet’s information on our social media accounts to reach a wider audience

If you suspect your pet was stolen, we recommend contacting the Facebook group “Dog and Cat Theft in the Hoi An and Danang Area” for advice and access to lists of holding facilities. Please do not visit holding cells alone, as those involved in the dog meat trade can be violent, and pet owners have been brutally attacked.

In Vietnam, pets are legally considered property, and thieves can face prosecution. Don’t hesitate to report theft to the police.

If you have lost a pet to the brutal cat and dog meat trade or have witnessed theft or trafficking, please report it using Four Paws’ Reporting Tool.

Let’s work together to protect our beloved pets and ensure their safe return home